I Thought it Was Just Me – It’s not.

Introductory Note: Brené Brown has a beautiful name with an accent over the e (as shown here). I had a heck of a time getting my keyboard to cooperate – in fact, it didn’t. I apologize for every missing accent in this post. It seems apropos (<– I suspect there’s an accent in this word, too) that I not kill myself trying to make it work in a post about perfection and shame. 

I’ve talked about the fabulous Brene Brown before. She’s a dynamo, powerhouse, and force to be reckoned with in the world of self-help, perfection, and shame work!

I Thought it Was Just Me by Brene Brown, Ph.D., L.M.S.W. seems like a companion piece to The Gifts of Imperfection. Well, actually, it kind of takes off from where the former ended… except that’s not exactly right either. I read somewhere that it was originally self-published… before the other book.

There I go… brilliantly illustrating the entire concept of the book. I’m trying to be perfect and woefully NOT. Perfect, that is. And with the desire to be Perfect comes that icky Cousin Shame. Hi Cousin Shame! NOT nice to see ya!

I feel ashamed when I present anything less-than perfection here. Especially here… where my insides are on the outside.

“Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.”– Brene Brown

Shame is a real bitch.

Let me say this: the book can stand alone.

Also, the art on the front cover touches my soul.

The words inside ain’t bad, either.

Let me tell you what led to deciding to write about this book today. I was out and about taking photos – totally flying in the face of my post the other day. I may touch on this later… not the point right now. Obviously.

On my way home, I passed the hospital demolition site in town. I stopped in a parking space across the street and looked at it. There is only one section left, and I snapped a photo. This is that photo…


In this leaning bit of building, I felt the pain and sorrow… the joys…  the ambivalence…

Should we go through with the treatments?

Should we let him/her go?

Will this time work?

Is the baby okay?

Will he be coming home today?

You’re gonna be okay!

You’re cured!

Life and death stuff, there.

I think that’s part of being an empath… and it translates to the life of the building along with the people it helped… and even the earth below it. Do you feel it, too?

What does this have to do with shame and imperfection? Oh, everything.

I have tried to make this space healing and educational, truthful and compassionate…

… and perfect …


Is it?


Nothing is.

And I’ve felt bad about it.

And that’s the point of this book, too. It can be seen in the title… especially once you add the subtitle:

I Thought it Was Just Me (but it isn’t)

But it isn’t.

It isn’t.

So, here we are… you and me… all of us… just doing the best we can. Reading some good books (like this one) and sharing what we find.

Anything by Brene Brown is a keeper. This is no exception. I just love her!

1 Comment

  1. Reblogged this on The Self-Help Whisperer® and commented:

    June 2, 2022

    For the next little while, as I settle into the habit of walking and sharing my accountability and photos (Link here >>> https://theselfhelpwhisperer.com/2022/05/30/accountability-motivation-health-journey-summer-2022/) I will be sharing books that I’ve read in previous years. You may have read the original posts – or not – but I encourage you to take a look either way. Sometimes, little lessons pop out of something you saw differently the first time, you know?

    In the meantime, I will try to add books back into my daily habit as I go along. For now, my goal is to walk 3000+ steps a day as quickly as possible, without injuring myself. I wrenched my knee while traveling in May and still haven’t recovered. But I managed to walk 2000 steps today and work up a sweat doing it. Yay, me!

    This book is one of the very, VERY good ones. Anything by Brown IS! Hope you enjoy!


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